Archive for August, 2014
The ultimate response to “I want to think about it.”
Posted by Rick Pranitis in SALES BEST PRACTICES on August 29, 2014
When a customer says “I want to think about it” or “I need some time to think it over” it’s one of the most frustrating expressions a salesperson can hear. You feel helpless, or if you’ve been poorly trained, you lapse into some manipulative dialogue that proves you’re both a crappy salesperson and you’re only there for the money.
There’s a better way.
The paradox of “I want to think about it” has always been that the salesperson wants to make the sale right away, and the customer has not yet seen the value or the reduced risk in doing business with the salesperson.
And often, the customer has already made up their mind, but does not want to share that with (you) the salesperson. The salesperson gets frustrated and blames the customer for their inability to decide, rather than taking responsibility for his own lack of sales ability and lack of preparation.
REALITY: Stop blaming. Start taking responsibility. Be prepared (Boy Scout motto) for the objection way before you get to the sales call.
Here is what to say, here’s what to offer, and here’s how to offer it…
You say: “I’m an expert at what I do. You’re an expert at what you do. Let me share with you the questions you need to ask yourself, and ask of others, as you think about it.” These are questions way beyond “How much is it?” and “When do I really want to start?”
Hand over a list of questions about the intricacies and the value of your stuff. For example, if you’re selling IT services and data protection, here’s a list of questions that you might want to ask:
Mr. Prospect, here are six things you need to think about as you’re deciding:
- How much is your data worth?
- Who is protecting your data daily?
- How much spam do you get? How much time do you spend dealing with it? What is your time worth?
- What happened the last time you lost data?
- What is a business heart attack to you?
- What’s the difference between 99% guaranteed up time and 100% guaranteed up time? 3.65 days of downtime. What is the extra 1% worth?
You hand the questions to the customer and read the questions out loud, and then ask him or her, “Would you like to think about these questions by yourself, or would you like to think about them with me?”
Keep in mind, you are the expert. The customer is depending on you for answers that he or she cannot create for themselves. Whether you’re selling life insurance, refrigerators, accounting services, new cars, or a million dollar home, most likely the customer is making a purchase one time, but for you it may be your one-thousandth time to make the presentation. It’s critical that you transfer confidence, not just information.
“I want to think about it” is your GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to give value, prove value, make the prospect think about themselves and their options, and still have an opportunity to make the sale.
THE SECRET: You must prepare for the “I want to think it over” stall BEFORE you make the sales call. You have to positively accept the stall when it occurs. The more positive you are, the more surprised the prospect will be. And you must present my solution in EXACTLY the manner I have described above.
When presenting this answer to the prospect, your tone must be both friendly and calm. The prospect will see that you’re prepared and at the very least be impressed – and at the very most, be both engaged and willing.
You are in complete control when you’re prepared.
You have totally lost control when you’re not prepared.
REALITY: This solution will NOT work all the time, BUT it will work. How often it works will be determined by how often you try it. The more you prepare for it, the better you will become at overcoming.
Want to try it? Or do you want to think about it? It’s your choice.
This article was originally posted to the Eye on Sales blog by Jeffrey Gitomer on August 1, 2014.
Unlocking Hidden Revenues from Current Customers
Posted by Rick Pranitis in SALES BEST PRACTICES on August 14, 2014
When sales leaders seek growth, many turn first to new avenues – new customers, new geographies, new products and other untapped sources of revenue. However, there often is considerable growth potential in the existing customer base. Current customers have already shown they need your product or service and want to buy from you. Significant growth can come from getting them to buy more of what you sell.
The key to growing existing accounts is increasing your share of “addressable spend” – the total amount a customer spends on the category of products or services you provide. Here are the three steps every organization must take to understand their opportunities, prioritize them and then develop plans for growing share of spend with each customer.
Step 1: Understand the potential of your accounts. To capture more of the dollars customers are spending on your product or service category, you first need a solid fact base. For each customer, seek the answers to five questions:
- What is the customer’s total spend on the types of products or services your company sells?
- How does the customer’s total spend compare with their peers’ total spend and to the market opportunity in your product/service category?
- What does the customer currently spend with your company and on which products or service lines?
- What does the customer currently spend with your competitors and why?
- In aggregate, is the overall level of spend increasing, decreasing or remaining constant?
Share of Addressable Spend
In building out your fact base, it can be instructive to ask each of your sales reps to estimate your company’s share of addressable spend for each of your top customers (e.g. the top 100 or top 25%). Once they’ve done so, the manager or an independent resource should validate those figures. In most cases, the sales rep will have overestimated the share, usually due to assuming that a strong personal relationship equates to a high share of wallet or to misinformation from customers. This is not unusual. We once worked with a company whose sales reps overestimated share of spend by 20 to 30 percent for three-quarters of their customers. While the mismatch between perception and reality was sobering, it ultimately led to increased sales as those reps were able to pursue opportunities they hadn’t known existed.
Once you have established a solid understanding of your share of customer spend, segment customers by relevant factors in order to prioritize them and develop action plans for each group. Start simple, segmenting by easy-to-identify methods such as account size, current spend, industry vertical and geography to determine whether there are clear opportunities to employ a share-of-spend growth strategy. From that initial basic segmentation, go on to segment along more sophisticated lines such as buyer values or loyalty scores, which will enable further refinement of targeting and messaging. When done well, segmentation will help you identify distinct customer types for whom you may be able to create strategies that work across a whole group.
Step 2: Prioritize the opportunities identified in Step 1. Once you have established your fact base, you can begin to prioritize accounts. This is an important step as not every account with a gap between their addressable spend and the amount they are spending with your company presents a good opportunity for growth.
One of your highest priorities for a share-of-spend effort should be your “splitters” those customers for whom satisfaction is high but share of spend is relatively low. Splitters are those customers who divide their spending dollars between multiple vendors. Do you know who your splitters are and are you monitoring this data point on a regular basis? Just as important, do you know which splitters are (a) highly satisfied with your company, as determined by measurements such as Net Promoter Score (NPS)® (trademark of Sametrix Systems, Inc.) but are (b) giving you a comparatively low share of their spend? These customers are prime targets for the sales organization to understand and address the root causes of the gap.
It can be helpful to plot accounts in a visual manner. We like to use a 2×2 matrix capturing both NPS score and spend share. Customers who fall into the lower right quadrant should be at the top of your share-of-spend priority list.
As you prioritize your accounts for share-of-spend growth, you will find some which would be best served by field sales reps or inside sales reps and others that are better served by skilled account managers. To best serve each account, it is important to formalize distinct roles for field reps, inside reps as well as account managers and then match them to the right accounts.
Step 3: Have a plan and stick to it. Left to their own devices, most sales reps will naturally gravitate toward customers where they have friendly relationships and away from more challenging customers. Yet the more comfortable accounts may be the ones where reps have the highest share of spend and therefore offer the least opportunity for growth. A solid plan for each account, enforced by sales managers, ensures reps devote most of their time and business development dollars to the highest potential accounts.
The best territory plans lay out which accounts to visit, how frequently and with what messaging to ensure high-potential, high-priority accounts get the most – and the right – attention. The best plans also include implementation of a formal program for requesting customer referrals, particularly to other buying units within the same company. Many customers have multiple divisions, geographic locations or departments that could benefit from the same kind of success you have brought to one division of the company. In most cases, all you need to do is ask for the referral.
Increasing your share of addressable spend among current profitable customers is a highly effective growth strategy as it is largely about deepening and expanding relationships with customers you already have. But as with any other growth strategy, it requires a thoughtful, measured approach and cannot be undertaken by gut feel. Successful execution takes time and resources, but by adhering to these three steps, we have seen companies grow their share of spend significantly, thereby igniting stronger revenue growth.
This article was originally posted to the Sales & Marketing Management Blog by Carter Hinckley and Corey Torrence on August 27, 2014.
Carter Hinckley is a Managing Director with Blue Ridge Partners, a driver of revenue growth. He has more than 30 years’ experience in sales, senior management and consulting — all focused on helping firms grow sales more effectively. He can be reached at
Corey Torrence also is a Managing Director with Blue Ridge Partners. From strategy through implementation to executive management he has focused on achieving revenue growth and profitable bottom-line results. He can be reached at
Sales process – it must mirror the customer’s buying process
Posted by Rick Pranitis in SALES LEADERSHIP on August 8, 2014
In the last ten years a substantial amount of time, effort, and money has been devoted to discussing the sales process. Listen to a conversation about the sales process and it usually begins by someone saying something like:
- “We have very aggressive sales targets and we’re just not getting there.”
- “We’re not leveraging our own best practices – a lot of our sales reps are simply doing what they did the last time.”
- “Our customers’ buying process has undergone dramatic changes but we’re still selling like we always did.”
Whether or not you have consciously addressed the topic of putting in place or modifying your sales process – it is happening every day. It is whatever your salespeople are doing on a given day to navigate the customer’s buying process.
If you want to put in place a more effective sales process, avoid these two pitfalls.
Lack of definitional clarity. Sales process is one of those sales concepts that unfortunately means something different for each person with whom you talk. Some would say if you put in place a new questioning model you have changed your sales process. Others would say that is simply adopting a new questioning model. Try it. Ask someone what their sales process is and a good bet is you will get not just different answers but entirely different types of answers.
To make something better everyone needs to have a clear and common vision of the topic at hand – it’s about being on the same page.
Our best suggestion is to restrict the term sales process to mean the overall set of steps you take from beginning and end of your sales cycle to win the business versus using the term interchangeably with concepts related to selling techniques, models, frameworks, and best practices.
Unbridled compliance. It is not a good idea for a whole bunch of reasons to have everyone do their own thing – that is not the road to success in today’s market. That’s an easy one.
On the other hand, in today’s disruptive buying environment it is equally true that unbridled compliance to a standard sales process can have its own pitfalls.
The greatest risk is that rigorously following any standardized process only works when one is absolutely clear that you are following a path that leads to success. In the B2B market the problem is many companies are going through transformational changes. These changes are impacting what they buy, how they buy, and what they are willing to pay for it.
So, a strategic caution is in order: Are you doing a good job driving compliance to a sales process that is more about what and how customers were buying five years ago versus what they are doing here and now?
Summary. On the sales process scale of “everyone does their own thing to blind compliance” we suggest being somewhere in the middle.
Introduce a well thought out sales process because it can contribute to replicating success and scaling the business. But, beware of overdone rigor and excessive compliance. The latter will tend to eliminate innovation and discourage the positive deviants among you from exploring the ideas that will define what success looks like tomorrow.
This article was originally posted to the Sales Training Connection blog by Janet Spirer on August 25, 2014.