Archive for February, 2013
Successful Selling is a Journey
Posted by Rick Pranitis in GENERAL DISCUSSION on February 28, 2013
The sales process is a journey. If the customer doesn’t understand where you’re headed and why they should come along, they won’t. Making a sale should be easy, especially when you have the right product at the right time in front of the right person. But too many people try and make it more complicated than it needs to be, and lose the prospective client in the process.
Here’s five “keep it simple” rules which can keep you on track and help get you to a successful close.
Cut to the chase.
A good sales person doesn’t waste time with filler words. They start talking about their product right away. Here’s an example; a website developer calls your company and starts by saying, “I am glad I finally got a hold of you. It took me more than 10 minutes to find your contact information on your website. My company does web development, and we could help you quickly fix that. Your customers would then be less frustrated and more easily able to contact you. Can I go over the site with you and find out what else you might like it to be able to do?” As the person being pitched, I am now fully engaged in the web developer’s product–because he showed me he did his homework, and can solve a problem I didn’t know I had.
Skip the jargon.
Whether your product is technical in nature or you just tend to be on the know-it-all side of the spectrum, find a simple way to explain your product which anyone can follow. Customers don’t want a lengthy explanation; they want to understand right away. Recently I was looking to buy a new mattress and was confronted with all kinds of features to choose from. Rather than use empty pseudo-technical terms like moisture-wick and memory foam, a salesperson carefully went over why his mattress would last longer, how its structure would keep my wife and me from waking each other with our movements, and why the two different materials on its surface would help us be comfortable in any weather.
Paint a picture.
You’ll not always have the luxury of meeting with your customer face to face. Learn how to describe your product in a way that even someone who’s never seen it can imagine what it is. Recently I worked with a company who sold products over the phone. They have several items which are made of lesser-known wood species, so they can be hard for the customer to envision. They added a new product to the line and I had not yet seen it, but I heard one of the sales reps describing it to a customer as looking like the inside of a tree when it’s freshly cut. I knew immediately that it was lighter in color, had a ring pattern, and a visible grain.
Get curious.
When you speak to a customer, concentrate on finding out about the customer instead of making your pitch. Start by asking open-ended questions, and then by carefully listening to the answers you’ll find you’ll always get further than delivering a monologue. A bank I never would have considered recently landed a meeting with me because the sales person, after hearing I was not interested in changing credit card processors, asked me if there was anything I was frustrated with at my current bank. As it happened, there had been a recent frustrating situation with my current bank and I was mad enough to want to talk about it, and he was astute enough to carefully connect my discontent to how his bank is different.
Make it matter.
Your product may have a ton of benefits, but they’re worthless if the customer you’re trying to sell to doesn’t need them. Be able to constantly reframe your product benefits so the particular customer with whom you’re speaking understands the direct impact the product could have on their world. Our current health insurance broker won my business not because he explained to me how he was going to save me money (which wasn’t particularly a priority for me), but because his product offered a web portal that was able to help my employees clearly understand their health care options, and made my job as the administrator less burdensome. Those were the high priorities on my list.
A good way to think of selling is like a journey on which you are leading your customer. If the customer doesn’t understand where you’re headed and why they should come along, they will either choose not to take the trip, or wander off in a different direction midway through. All you have to do is get them excited about the destination, tell them all the beautiful things they will see along the way, and answer any questions so they feels safe and can enjoy the route.
Never End a Sales Call With; “I’ll Send You Some Information”
Posted by Rick Pranitis in GENERAL DISCUSSION on February 9, 2013
This is especially true if it’s you, the salesperson, who has offered the idea up to send the prospect some information. Although you might think you’ve done a good job, what you’ve really done is give the customer an excuse to end the meeting.
If your sales process requires several sales calls, then saying you are going to send them some information can work — but only if you’ve been able to first uncover the following:
- A specific need the customer has shared with you that you believe you can help them with.
- A level of confidence the customer has placed in you that what you send them they will place value in.
- The knowledge the person to whom you’re going to send the information is indeed the person making the decision.
If you can’t get answers to these three things, then why should you believe that what you’re going to send them is going to move the selling process forward? The odds are far greater the process is going to go nowhere.
For customers this is an easy to way to come across as being courteous, but really what they’re doing is jerking you around. There is no reason for you to go through the effort of doing more work if there is little to no chance of a sale materializing. Sending the customer information may give you a warm feeling, but don’t go kidding yourself. What you’re going to send them isn’t going to do anything.
When you don’t know where the call is going and you’re trying to figure out a viable next step, the process should be:
- Find something you and the customer can agree on.
- Gain the customer’s permission to allow you to follow up with them at a later point in time.
With these two things, you can now go forward and develop a better list of questions you can use to engage the customer. Your challenge on the next phone call or the next meeting is to get the customer to have their confidence in you increase because of your level of competence.
This article was originally posted to The Sales Motivation Blog by Mark Hunter on October 3, 2012